
Guatapé is a small town 2 hours east of Medellín. It’s known for its colorful decorated houses and Piedra del Peñol, giant granite rock rising up between a green landscape. 

Buses from Medellin to Guatapé cost around 20 000 COP, 4,5 euro. There are hostels in the old town or closer to El Peñol, so make sure to get off the bus at the right stop! There are lots of tuk-tuks to move around in the area! 

It is perfectly possible to visit Guatapé as a day trip from Medellín. Although, if you have time to spend a day or two, I would definitely recommend doing so. 

What to do

Back in the 70’s, the whole area was flooded to make way for a hydro-electric dam. Because of the water all around now, the landscape is even more spectacular, especially from the top. The “Peñol” is 220 meters high, 285 meters long and 110 meters wide and counts 649 steps to the top. On the top there is a small village with shops and restaurants. 

Entrance fee: about 5 euro. 

Fun fact: On one side of the rock you can see the letters G and an incomplete U. For years Guatapé and the town El Peñol dispute about the ownership of the rock. Guatapé tried to claim it by painting its name on it but could never finish it. 

Guatapé old town is nothing more than a main square and some small colorful streets around it, but so worth visiting! Just wander around and take a closer look to the houses, you’ll be surprised by the beautiful and colorful details!  

Galeria Guatape Hostel is one of the best hostels I’ve ever stayed at during all my travels. It’s located right next to the water and Piedra del Peñol. The entrance of the rock is a 20/30 min walk. The atmosphere in the hostel is super relaxed, perfect for a break especially if you came from the busy Medellín. 

The hostel has a kayak you can use for free. The platform in the water is the perfect spot to chill and take a dive into the lake. 

The banner and first picture are taken from the balcony of the room.

A tuk-tuk to Guatapé takes about 10 minutes.