How to travel Guatemala

Guatemala is a big country with a decent infrastructure. Transportation is possible by car, bus, plane or TukTuk, perfect for short distances in a town. 

There are two kinds of busses. The first one is the mini Van, provided with a good seat and AC. The second choice is a ‘chicken bus’. The huge colourful busses with open windows, trying to transport way too many people…. These busses go very slow and stop all the time but are an experience to do. 

How to travel from → to

Guatemala City → Antigua
Taxi: cheaper and faster than with a mini Van. Uber, Lyft,… are available in Guatemala, but try to support a local taxi driver! 
Travel time: 1 hour

Antigua → Lake Atitlan
Mini Van: Booked through the hotel.
Travel time: 2 to 3 hours

Antigua → Flores/Tikal (Yellow stars all up North)
Night Bus: leaving at 11pm, you’ll be there early in the morning.
Normal travel time is 8 to 10 hours. Price was 220 Guatemalan Quetzal or 25 euro. 
Plane: Prices between 80 and 100 euro. Travel time won’t be longer than an hour, but you wish it was longer because of the landscape beneath you. 

I didn’t cover Guatemala City because there is nothing much to do or to see.