Dead Sea

The Dead Sea is a unique and fascinating place that borders Jordan and Israel. Its water is incredibly salty, with a salt concentration of 34%, compared to the usual 3.5% in oceans. Because of this, nothing can live in the water, and it's so dense that floating is effortless—you won’t experience anything like it anywhere else!

The Dead Sea is also the lowest point on Earth, sitting 431 meters below sea level.

How to Swim in the Dead Sea

If you're staying at a hotel or resort by the Dead Sea, swimming is easy. Most hotels have special areas where you can enter the water safely. The high salt content and strong sun can be tough on your skin, so hotels often provide mud that protects you from sunburn and leaves your skin feeling smooth.

If you’re planning to visit the Dead Sea on your own, it’s possible but can be a bit challenging. Look for a safe spot along the road where you can park and walk down to the water, but be cautious as some areas are quite steep.

There are small shops along the Jordan Valley Highway where you can pay a couple of Dinar to use a shower to rinse off the salt and mud after your swim. When we visited, we paid a local shopkeeper to watch our car and used a simple street-side shower afterward. This spot is popular with both tourists and locals, and there’s plenty of mud near the water’s edge.

Tip: It’s a good idea to buy some 5L water bottles in Amman and keep them in your car. They can come in handy for rinsing off after a swim if you don’t find a shower nearby.