How to travel Jordan

Traveling around Jordan is an adventure filled with rich history, stunning landscapes, and warm hospitality. Here's a simple guide on how to make the most of your trip:

Getting there

  • By Air: Most travelers fly into Amman, Jordan’s capital, via Queen Alia International Airport. This is the main gateway to the country.

  • Visa: Get a Jordan Pass online before your trip. It covers your visa on arrival and entry to over 40 attractions, including Petra.

Getting around

  • Rent a Car: The easiest way to explore Jordan is by renting a car. The roads are well-maintained, and driving gives you the freedom to visit sites at your own pace. Book online in advance to save time at the airport. You can use your European Driver License. 

  • Public Transport: Buses are available but can be infrequent and slow. Trains are not an option.

  • Taxis: For shorter trips within cities or to nearby sites, taxis are widely available.

Key Destinations

  • Amman: Start in the capital, where you can explore ancient Roman ruins and enjoy the lively markets.

  • Petra: Spend at least a full day at this UNESCO World Heritage site. A 3-day pass is ideal for a deeper experience.

  • Wadi Rum: Explore the stunning desert landscapes with a Jeep tour or spend a night in a Bedouin camp.

  • Dead Sea: Relax and float in the mineral-rich waters, just a short drive from Amman.

  • Aqaba: Enjoy snorkeling and diving in the clear waters of the Red Sea.

Travel times from Amman

  • Amman → Wadi Mujib/Death Sea = 1 hour, 80 km

  • Amman → Dana = 2,5 hours, 300 km

  • Amman → Petra = 3 hours, 232 km

  • Amman → Wadi Rum = 4 hours, 320 km

  • Amman → Aqaba = 4 hour, 335 km

Practical Tips

  • Dress Code: In some places, women may need to cover their shoulders and legs, so carry a shawl or scarf.

  • Currency: The Jordanian Dinar is the local currency. Cards are accepted in most places, but it's good to carry some cash.

  • Safety: Jordan is generally safe for travelers, but always be mindful of local customs and follow any travel advisories.

Day Trips and Excursions

  • Jerusalem: If you plan to visit Jerusalem, use the King Hussein/Allenby Bridge crossing, which is close to Amman. Check visa requirements before you go.

    With a mix of history, natural beauty, and adventure, Jordan is a destination that offers something for every traveler.