
Marrakesh is the 4th largest city in the country, after Casablanca, Fes and Tangier, situated west of the foothills of the Atlas Mountains. The city was founded in 1070  as the imperial capital of the Almoravid Empire. 

The capital is best known for its luxury gardens, hammams and palaces. Some known gardens are the Jardin Majorelle-Yves Saint Laurent Mansion and Le Jardin Secret.

Most parts of the Marrakesh Medina, meaning old town, are Souks, markets. They are mostly located around the Jamaa el Fna Square, the busiest square in Africa. There are many restaurants and bars (without alcohol) to find here, a perfect place to have a drink and enjoy the view over the Grand Place, especially around sunset!

During the day, Jamaa el Fna is mostly a market with juice stands, local crafts and some Snake charmers, an ancient skill in Morocco.

By nightfall, the market partly disappears and many food stands will fill up the square. It is a real experience to have dinner here, a must do. But beware, before you order, make sure to ask for a menu, check the prices and tell the waiter what you want to order and what you don’t want to order. The waiter will try to add some expenses on your bill you didn’t order, so make sure to double check! I guarantee you, they will try this, 100%. Just stay friendly and explain why you won’t pay for it, it is part of the experience.

Another symbol of Marrakesh is the Kutubiyya Mosque, the largest tower of the city, built in 1158 and is 77 meters high. Many gardens are located around the Mosque, making it a very pleasant area to visit.

I would say, Marrakesh is good for a day or two, not more. Besides walking around in the medina, visiting Hammams, checking out the gardens and having a good tagine, there is nothing much to do. From the city, it is easy to a (day)trip to the Atlas Mountains or even to a small desert north of the city. If you are only visiting Marrakech, it can be a good break from the busy city. 

Do you want to drink some alcohol? Go to Kabana Rooftop Food & Cocktails. Make sure to make a reservation, the place is super popular and busy. Wonderful place!

Breakfast or lunch? Try Mandala Society!