
Arequipa is the second biggest city in Peru, after Lima, located all the way in the south. The city is located at an altitude of 2335 meter, meaning it is possible that you will need some time to adapt.  

The city is surrounded by three volcanoes. Two of them, called El Misti (5822 meter) and Chanchani, are visible from the city on a clear day.

Arequipa is very popular with tourists because of its relaxed atmosphere and incredible nature around, easy to visit from the city. You can hike the Colca Canyon, which is two hours away from the city. Read below to discover the Colca Canyon.

Arequipa is also called la ciudad blanca, or the white city. There are two different stories behind that name. Some people say they call it the white city because of all the white volcanic rocks they used for buildings, like the cathedral. Others say that the name came from the colonial times, when more than 70% of the population were white people. 

From Lima it is 18 hours by bus or 1.5 hours by plane to get to Arequipa.

What to do?

Plaza de Armas

The beating heart of the city. The plaza is located in front of the widest cathedral of Peru, called the Basilica Cathedral of Arequipa. Right in front, there is a beautiful park with a typical fountain, a perfect place to relax and enjoy the downtown area. On a clear day, you are able to see the volcanoes El Misti and Chanchani from the park.

If you want to do some shopping, main shopping street is right next to the plaza, but also restaurants and local shops are located in this area.  

Mercado San Camilo

Mercado San Camilo is the main market in the city where farmers come together. This place has an amazing vibe! You won’t see many tourists here, perfect to hang out with locals and walk between the tiny stalls! 

It is the perfect place to buy and try fresh products. A full meal will cost you not more than 5 sol, 1,3 euro!

Colca Canyon

Colca Canyon is one of the deepest canyons in the world. Its deepest point is 3270 meter (10730 ft) deep, the Grand Canyon in the US is ‘only’ 1829 meter (6000 ft) deep at its deepest point. The canyon is perfect for a two day hike. It is a popular hike by many tourists because of the Condors flying around, the biggest flying bird in the world.  

The best way to visit the Colca Canyon is by booking a tour and go with a small group and a guide. You don’t want to get lost in this enormous area. I paid 50 euro for 2 days all in (guide, meals, accomodation)

What to bring: fresh clothes, enough water, sunscreen, a powerbank, bathing suit, money, flashlight and a walking stick. Pack light! 

Day 1
The minivan will pick you up at the hotel at 3am, about 3 hours later you will arrive in Chivay for breakfast. Try to drink as much coca leaf tea as possible, it will help you feel better with the altitude difference.

From Chivary, it’s another hour to get to the Condor lookout. Around 9am you will start hiking ‘the Oasis’. It is absolutely beautiful, but can be tough at some places. Around 1pm you will have lunch and walk for another three hours, all the way down into the Oasis. 

At the Oasis you will be able to swim in the hotel’s pool and have dinner. 

Day 2
The hike on day two is the hardest one. It is a three hour walk, going back up the mountain. Leaving the Oasis at 5am, you will be back in time for breakfast in Cabanaconde. 

After breakfast, the minivan will take you to natural hot springs, ideal to relax. Although, I don’t recommend going into the water. Almost everyone visiting these springs just had a 2 day sweaty hike, so the water isn’t the cleanest… If you don’t mind, enjoy!

Lunch will be in Chivay again. I recommend not going to the restaurant the tour offers you but discover the little city by yourself. From there you will drive back to Arequipa and arrive around 6pm.